Tuesday 7 October 2014

Reference illustrators

Gunter Hoy

gunter hoy cow.jpg
The reason I have chosen this image as a reference, is because of the simple, expressive lines. The image is extremely flat however, I would have liked a little more shading to give it more depth, but a good reference nonetheless.

Barbara Dessi
barbara dessi illustration.jpg
I like how Barbara Dessi made use of the swirly line to create clouds, the sun's rays, the sheep, the girls hair, the goats tail, as well as the snail. It is a theme that seems to use quite a lot in her illustrations, and I think this gives them a very cheerful cartoony look. This adds to the character of teh whole image and I feel it is probably very appealing to the target audience I am aiming for (4-6 year olds) 
b dessi 2.jpg
There is the swirly theme again, but the tree is the one I like the best in this image, as it has a lot of character with the twisted branches. I can imagine some hanging lights on these branches for the party theme at the end of my story in order to create a merry, fun atmosphere. 
b dessi 3.jpg
I like the clever way Barbara Dessi has used the soft and hard brushes together to create the outline (thin hard brush) and add depth, create the illusion of 3D ( soft brush).
b dessi 4.jpg
Same reasons as the previous image
b dessi 5.jpg
The detail obtained by using a thin outline is really nice (toes, folds, stones). I also like the proportions of the boy. This is the style I would like to adopt for my illustrations.

Barbara Dessi  is an artist who is making really good use of the soft and hard brushes together,  to create hard outlines with blurry detail for depth. The facial expressions of the characters are also created with very few lines, but send out a very strong message.

Gustavo Mazali

gustavo mazali puppies.jpg
Not having quite decided on the type of dog Molly will be, I have saved this image as reference, to asses which breed would fit better in my story.
g mazali tree.jpg
The tree created with very few lines is something I would like to create as well. Also, the effect achieved on the tree, by using the light outline on one side, is very nice.
g mazali.jpg

g mazali 3.jpg
My reason for choosing these images as reference for my project, are the character of the girl - very cheeky, no worries, but kind and confident, the type of girl Molly is, in my story.

Hannah McCaffer
hannah mnnaffer bear.jpg
Possible Larry?

Daniel Griffo
d griffo building.jpg
Love the distorted look of the buildings and lampshade in the background
d griffo party tree.jpg
The atmosphere created with the lights is really nice, while the use of simple shapes for the tree ans leaves is something I would like to achieve in my project
daniel grifo girl.jpg
Again, the distorted house in the background is what made me save this image as reference, as well the swirly shapes used for the dust being lifted from the ground. 
d griffo children.jpg
Very good reference for different children (variety achieved with changing hair colour and style while face shapes and main features seem to be kept very similar)
d griffo children and oets.jpg
Good dog and cat reference images, as well as children.
d griffo bear.jpg
Larry simplified? The initial concept I did for Larry,  was more realistic, but this cartoony version of a bear is definitely a possibility I am considering
d griffo distorted environment.jpg
I really like the body shapes of all the characters in this image. They all have oversized feet, which seems to work really well. The way the jumper sleeves and the trousers flare up at the bottom, goes with this design as well. There is again, the theme of distorted elements in the environment in the background (lamp post, buildings).

Cristian Bernardini

cristian bernardini trees.jpg
I am not looking to illustrate using outline, however, the use of it emphasizes the shapes here, and the simple shapes used for the trees is what attracted me.
c bernardini sketch distorted.jpg
The clouds are illustrated brilliantly here, by just simply creating the outline. Very effective method, I think. Adding to the character of this sketch, are the distorted buildings in the background, a theme that really excites me and that I would love to be able to achieve in my illustration.

Alessandra Sartoris

alessandra sartoris chicken.jpg
The way the chickens are illustrated with simple shapes, is something I am aiming for as well, and this is a very good reference.The outer lines are of  the same tone and a very similar value to the main body, while, by just using the light and shadow very cleverly, the animals feel 3D.
a sartoris 1.jpg
This is exactly how I would like my illustrations to end up being. Simple shapes for the buildings, with the use of light and shadow for creating some depth, while the foreground feels closer with the dark outline. The trees are drawn with the use of simple shapes and slight light and shade ( in the background) and extra outline for the foreground. I love this style. There is the distortion of the door and sun shade, which again, is a theme I would like to follow.

Friday 3 October 2014

Statement of intent

Statement of Intent

“Larry the hairy friendly bear” is a children’s story about a bear who lives in the woods and is greatly misunderstood. Due to his size and loud growls (his only way of manifesting excitement), everyone is afraid of him.

 The project, based on this story, is a children’s interactive digital book, aimed at 4-6 year olds. 

Each page, will be a 3D scene, set on a theatre stage, with each character and environment element, being created as a cardboard cut-out.

3D Studio Max is the software chosen for modelling and creating the UVW maps for the environment pieces as well as the characters,  while Adobe Photoshop CS6, will be used for creating the textures. 

The narrative skills accumulated over the past 2 years of college, will be used to create a fun, age appropriate, character driven story.

The collaboration with a programmer, will add great value to the project, as, by implementing it into a game engine such as Unity 3D, the book will benefit from a quick deployment onto any mobile platform, hence, opening the market to a wider audience.

For the audio side of the project, a voice-over narrator will be outsourced.

As a final presentation, I am looking at creating a "Larry toy" and maybe a 3D printed keychain, as well as a printed version of the book.